The Communist Control Act 1954

The Communist Control Act 1954
The Communist Control Act 1954`

The Communist Control Act 1954

Congress passed the Communist Control Act of 1954 (CCA) as a correction to the McCarran Internal Security Act of 1950 “to ban the Communist Party, to restrict individuals from Communist associations from serving in specific delegate limits, and for different purposes.”

Socialist Control Act restricted Communist Party of the United States
Though the Internal Security Act commanded that socialist associations register with the head legal officer of the United States, the CCA prohibited by and large the Communist Party of the United States to keep socialists from holding office in labor associations.

The CCA was the brainchild of U.S. Sen. Hubert Humphrey, D-Minn., who supposedly had worn out on being named “delicate toward socialism” (Ybarra 2004: 743).

Following an examination by the Subversive Activities Control Board (SACB) into the strategies and objectives of socialist administration in American work associations, Congress through the CCA assigned a class of “Socialist invaded associations.”

CCA gave ‘penetrated’ trade guilds a method for holding freedoms
Not entirely set in stone to be socialist invaded by the SACB could rearrange and hold legally binding privileges acquired through bartering if 20% of the average participation requested of the National Labor Relations Board. In such manner, the CCA filled in as a way to safeguard average patrons from “Socialist despots who [were] utilizing the associations and association assets to serve the closures of the Communist powers” (Tompkins 1955: 1397).

Albeit generally considered to be the second liberal Democrats assented to Red Scare legislative issues, the CCA evaded a proposed correction to the Internal Security Act of 1950 that looked to proclaim associations “socialist overwhelmed” and strip them of every lawful right. Rather than announcing worker’s organizations illicit, which would have denied American workers of their authoritative securities, the CCA proclaimed the Communist Party unlawful.

Banning socialists abused various protected freedoms
The means by which the CCA looked to give insurance to American workers encroached upon various established freedoms.

In banning the Communist Party, the CCA denied the party the option to have ledgers, go into leases, get legal implementation of agreements, sue or be sued in courts, offer unfriendly court decisions, direct business action, or show up on any voting form (Haerle 1955). Congress revoked most arrangements of the demonstration, which has seldom been upheld.



The Hollywood Ten (1948);

The Rosenberg Trial (1951).


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The Law Book: From Hammurabi to the International Criminal Court, 250 Milestones in the History of Law (Sterling Milestones) Hardcover – Illustrated, 22 Oct. 2015, English edition by Michael H. Roffer (Autor)

The Communist Control Act 1954